Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thots on Love, Life and Death

Today I was crying my eyes out the whole morning. Why?? Not because of anything which happened to me ... but because I was reading the blog of a wonderful lady whose beloved husband had passed away in Oct 2010. People often say that I look "garang" (fierce) but what they don't know is that I have a very soft heart and I am actually as tame as a kitty if I'm treated right ... hehehe. Masuk bakul angkat sendiri (translation : tooting my own horn). Anyways ... I have also read the blog of another lady whom I personally know (but not close) who had also recently lost her husband. Personally I prefer reading the blog of the earlier lady because she comes across as intelligent, humble and more realistic. The latter lady ... well ... she is just full of question marks. She didn't have enough money to bury her late hubby but now she happily blogs about her trips around Europe and puts up pics of luxury items which she has bought. I know her parents are rich and maybe it is a way for her to deal with her emotions ... but somehow it just does not seem right to me. Some things should just be kept private. I know I'm one to talk since I myself am a blogger ... but at least I have not put up my real name and full details about my life.

Anyways ... that's not what i wanted to blog about this time. What I want to say is ... the blogs have reminded me that one should appreciate and demonstrate one's love to loved ones whilst they are still around on this earth. It has also reminded me how important it is for me to be a good wife and mother, to be thankful for what i have and to accept my husband as he is because he is not who he is without his shortcomings. I have to admit that sometimes I have not been a good wife especially when I am cross with my hubby, or complain about his shortcomings or bad habits or when I wonder aloud ...why don't I have this or that in life. What a horrible wife I have been... and I aim to change that. Once you've got yourself a good man who is true to you ... love him and never let him go.

I beseech you Allah ... give me the strength and wisdom to improve myself as a wife and mother for I don't think I can live with the regret of not being a wife and mother the best way that I can. Panjangkanlah umur ahli keluargaku, kekalkanlah jodohku hingga ke akhir hayat, berkatilah serta rahmatilah rumah tanggaku, peliharalah iman kami, peliharalah nasab keturunan dan zuriat kami , murahkan lah rezeki kami serta lindungilah kami dari godaan syaitan, dosa, bala, malapelataka, kezaliman, kekufuran, fitnah serta hasad dengki ... Amin

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